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منتديات منتديات عامة علوم وتكنولوجيا Talking Dateline: The Secret in Black Rock Canyon
Noura Senior Member

Andrea Canning talks to Keith Morrison about his episode, “The Secret in Black Rock Canyon.” In 2006, 16-year-old Cassie Jo Stoddart was found stabbed to death at a relative’s home in Pocatello, Idaho. Detectives quickly learned that Cassie’s last day alive was nothing short of a real-life horror movie, with video to prove it, and the filmmakers-turned-killers were not at all who they expected. Keith and Andrea discuss his interview with one of Cassie’s killers and Keith shares an extra clip from his interview with Dr. James Garabino, a psychologist and expert on teen violence. Plus, Keith and Andrea are joined by the detective who investigated Cassie’s murder, retired Captain John Ganske.

Listen to the full episode of "The Secret in Black Rock Canyon" here: https://link.chtbl.com/dateline_podcast


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